Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Few Dreams !!!

Dreams, few funny , few scary...and that is the way i move from one night to other day..few dreams will probably remain unachieved thorughout, but i care no less for them.
How many times you have seen yourself falling from a 5 storey building but have your ever touched the ground? No, and that's the problem, i mean even in my dreams i can't catchup with my dreams...:)
One night i saw, one of my friend was murdered and my other friend got arrested for the case, and after investigation i found that the real culprit was dhaundy...hehehe sorry buddy but you should not have hid that knife in a programming book, but hell you didn't have anything else not even in dreams .Very recently i again saw one of my friend "chitvan",as a supari killer, he goes to some place in haridwar to kill a person, but he himself gets caught in the process by some gundas , who beat him almost to death and later we 4 (dubey, khemu, shukla and me)go for his rescue...hehehe....and we find him hung ulta on a tree, what a stupid scene that was...lol
I actually find most of my dreams make me chuckle at some point when I remember them. Guess a lot of it is context and having to be there, but sometimes things are just too ridiculous, hehehehe.
One of my more recent favorites still had to beat the 'Beverage Villain' as I eventually dubbed him... your classic villain from a black and white silent film, tall, thin with a long wiry mustache.He controlled the various elements like fire and wind and he used them to further his evil plot of flooding the soda pop market with his own brand of canned beverage.He went so far as to wire an entire building with explosives in order to ensure I did not try to meddle with his evil plan. Yeah, I meddled, the building blew up with me in it, hah.
I am quite sure it is a lot funnier to me than anyone else simply because I was there, but I do still have a soft spot in my heart for that poor guy... certainly one of the less successful villains in my dreams, hehee
will add few more dreams...so keep visiting :)

1 comment:

Pilot-Pooja said...

Hey Amit, You have only talked about those ferocious dreams.
What abt the pleasant dreams you must have had in your eyes!

Dreams are not mere dreams..
A lot is hidden in them..
If you dream of falling from a 5 storey building, that probably implies you love to take risks, but eventually lose interest in this building and start looking for others..